DNAPL a Threat? 9 Ways to Treat DNAPLs!

Difficult to remove and dangerous to the health of the environment and humans, DNAPLs are a persistent thorn in the side for many areas. Still, there are many ways to treat DNAPLs; the key is to find the correct method for the individual site. This white paper will discuss the basics of DNAPLs. DNAPL treatment and where each treatment method shines.

What is a DNAPL?

DNAPL is short for dense non-aqueous phase liquid. Common DNAPLs include creosote, coal tar, and heavy oils; common DNAPL applications include degreasing and acting as a solvent.

Why are DNAPLs a problem?

DNAPLs are common forms of wastewater pollution. Having DNAPLs leak into local groundwater is a violation of EPA regulations. In addition, DNAPLs can worsen working conditions in manufacturing. Often, these oils will emit a smell akin to sulfur as they break down.

How are DNAPLs collected?

For DNAPLS, there are two general means of treatment: extraction and destruction. Extraction denotes the removal of the DNAPL from the liquid, while destruction means breaking down or neutralizing the DNAPLs to a level of minimal impact.

Which method is best for me?

Each of the following methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The conditions present in each treatment site determine the effectiveness and cost of individual methods and is the largest factor in choosing treatment method. Although the following information is generally true, minor differences in conditions can radically change recommended treatment option and create site- or application-specific exceptions to common wisdom. As such, a good working knowledge of the treatment site is key to effective remediation.

  1. Excavation,
  2. Bioremediation
  3. Air sparging
  4. Soil vapor extraction (SVE)
  5. Solidification
  6. In situ oxidation
  7. In-situ chemical reduction
  8. Pump and treat
  9. Belt skimmers

Collecting DNAPLs can be a difficult task but is possible with enough foresight and planning. By understanding the nature of the contamination and the unique environment the treatment occurs in, an effective treatment method can be selected. If an oil skimmer or pump, Abanaki is here to help.

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