Abanaki oil skimmers have proven successful in thousands of applications, including in groundwater remediation systems. Abanaki’s specially designed oil skimmers remove hydrocarbons from groundwater via existing monitoring or remediation wells. Unlike pump-based systems, they require very little maintenance, set up easily, and have low power requirements. Abanaki’s PetroXtractor belt oil skimmer is designed for groundwater remediation systems via existing monitoring wells, at depths up to 100 feet, regardless of fluctuating water levels. Hydrocarbon-attracting belts are specifically designed for each type of contaminant: diesel, fuel, gasoline, LNAPLs, DNAPLs and heavy weathered oils. Abanaki offers a variety of oil skimmer systems that fit into 2″ or greater diameter wells and that are capable of removing 1 gph to 12 gph of oil or gasoline. Different systems are available for each type of groundwater contamination and site requirements: Each groundwater remediation oil skimmer package includes a PetroXtractor oil skimmer and an oil transfer system. The main components of the oil skimmer are an oil-attracting belt, electric motor, belt wipers and discharge trough. The major components of the oil transfer system are a pump, electric motor, and oil-collection tank. These groundwater remediation systems have long narrow belts designed for use with wells. Also available are oil skimmers with standard size belts or floating tubes that are used in ponds, trenches, and wastewater pits. Oil skimming has been proven in thousands of remediation applications. Other Abanaki oil skimmer models, such as the Oil Grabber® Model 8 oil skimmer and Oil Viper tube oil skimmer, are ideal for use in trenches and ponds. Solar powered units are available.Sometimes called pumpless groundwater remediation systems, oil skimming is the lowest cost way to remove hydrocarbon contamination from groundwater. Oil skimming alone may clean water to acceptable levels or be used as a pre-filter treatment. It is the most inexpensive way to remove LNAPLs or DNAPLs.
Groundwater Remediation System Solutions
Petrol, Gasoline, & Light Fuel Oil Groundwater Remediation System
Petrol, Diesel, Gasoline, No. 2 Fuel Oil, LNAPL
Many people don’t know that oil skimmers work on light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPLs) such as diesel, gasoline and No. 2 fuel oil. Using a properly designed oil skimmer system and a special “fuzzy” skim media, light fuel oils are easily removed from groundwater, for far less cost than pump and treat solutions.
The heart of the Petrol Groundwater Remediation System is the PetroXtractor belt oil skimmer, which fits groundwater monitoring wells as small as two inches in diameter to depths up to 100 feet. The patent-pending Fuzzy2 oil skimmer belt is made from a special oil-attracting material whose tiny hairs are designed to capture floating fuel as the belt passes through the water.
The oil skimmer scrapes oil from the belt and transfers it to an Oil Concentrator that removes trace water from the reclaimed fuel. Next the fuel is deposited into a transfer tank where it is automatically pumped to a customer provided collection container.
The Abanaki Light Fuel Groundwater Remediation System can be configured with standard or explosion-proof electrical components. This oil skimming system is so compact it can fit in most standard underground vaults and, of course, it can be used above ground as well.
Belts Available
The Fuzzy Belt material effectively remediates light fuel oils such as gasoline, diesel, and fuel oil No. 2 from groundwater.
Schematic Drawings
Medium Viscocity Oil Groundwater Remediation Equipment
Motor Oil, Lube Oil, Hydraulic Oil
Of all the types of groundwater remediation equipment, oil skimmers are particularly effective on medium weight oils such as lube oil, hydraulic oil, and motor oil because the oil easily separates from water and its viscosity makes it easy to handle.
The Medium Viscosity Oil Groundwater Remediation System fits existing monitoring or remediation wells. It uses a low-maintenance Abanaki PetroXtractor belt oil skimmer rather than temperamental pumps. Optimum pickup rates are achieved using either the ultra-durable poly belt or super-poly belt.
The skimmed oil passes through an Oil Concentrator to be sure that the remediated oil is virtually water free. Next the oil is moved via gravity into a transfer tank where it is automatically pumped to a customer provided skimmed oil collection container.
Optional explosion proof electrical components are available. Belt widths range from range from 2″ to 6″ depending on the diameter of the well.
Belts Available
Schematic Drawings
Heavy Oil Groundwater Remediation Equipment
Heating Fuel, Weathered Diesel, Fuel Oil No. 6
This is a complete groundwater remediation equipment package designed to remove high viscosity oils such as heating fuel, weathered diesel, and fuel oil No. 6 from groundwater using monitoring or remediation wells.
The oil skimming equipment does not use a groundwater pump or torpedo pump and is therefore not subject to their associated problems. Rather, it uses the innovative Abanaki PetroXtractor belt oil skimmer fitted with the ultra-durable poly belt plus stabilizer rods. The wells can be 2″ in diameter or greater.
The oil skimming system deposits the skimmed oil into an Oil Concentrator to be sure that the remediated oil is virtually water free. Next the oil is moved via gravity into a transfer tank where it is automatically pumped to a customer provided skimmed oil collection container.
The Abanaki Heavy Oil Groundwater Remediation System can be configured with standard or explosion-proof electrical components. This system can fit in most standard underground vaults and, of course, it can be located above ground as well.
Belts Available
Skimming belts made of oil attracting material are effective at removing heavy oils such as weathered diesel, and heating oil such as fuel oil No. 6.
Schematic Drawings
DNAPL Groundwater Remediation System
Dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) applications such as creosote can be collected with the PetroXtractor belt oil skimmer. Because these oils sink to the bottom of the well, they require a very special DNAPL groundwater remediation system to ensure the oil is removed. Stabilizer bars are installed between the oil skimmer and tail pulley to maintain close proximity to the bottom of the well for maximum remediation of the product.
The package consists of a PetroXtractor oil skimmer mounted on a 4-foot-tall stand and a 55-gallon drum float switch that will turn off the unit when the drum is full. Timers may be used operate the oil skimmer when DNAPL refresh rates back into the well are slow. Poly belt material is the belt of choice in these applications because of its ability to pick up DNAPLs, like cresote, and its durability.
Belts Available
Schematic Drawings
Solar Powered Oil Skimmer Groundwater Remediation Systems
Solar-powered oil skimmers use 12-volt power to operate in areas where standard power is unavailable. The solar power oil skimmer system consists of a motor, solar panel, timer, battery, battery box, and control components. Typical applications are usually monitoring or remediation wells in remote locations. Belt types used on these systems will depend upon the viscosity of the oil being collected. These packages can be configured with just the basics all the way to vapor-tight units with timers and float switch controls.
Note that solar power is an option with any of Abanaki’s groundwater remediation systems.
Schematic Drawings
Vapor-Tight, Explosion Proof Groundwater Remediation Systems
Vapor-Tight oil skimmer packages are designed to keep explosive vapors from being vented to the atmosphere. The system consists of an Abanaki PetroXtractor belt skimmer made with explosion-proof electrical components, a vapor-tight belt housing, and a self-sealing well casing mounting clamp. Because volatile oils are associated with low viscosity, the oil skimming system uses the patent-pending Fuzzy2 belt made from a special oil-attracting material whose tiny hairs increase surface area and collect light hydrocarbons efficiently.
Note that explosion-proof electrical components are an option with any of Abanaki’s groundwater remediation systems.
Belts Available
Schematic Drawings
Discrete Security Groundwater Remediation Packages
Secured enclosures are used in situations where there is a need to keep the oil skimmer from being tampered with or in situations where the operation of oil removal equipment may be deemed unsightly. These lockable poly shelters are available in two sizes to accommodate various oil skimmer sizes and option configurations. A 30- or 55-gallon drum can be used for oil collection depending on the size of the enclosure chosen.
Note that these enclosures are an option with any of Abanaki’s groundwater remediation products.